Welcome to Botbit

We are a network services company. We provide business-class, Internet-based services to indivuduals, small companies and medium sized corporations. We are focused on providing hosting and messaging resources using a friendly team approach assisted by automated bots. We are proud of the the level of expertise and service we deliver to our customers, and invite you to give enquire (LINK) about our solutions.

* * * * B O T B I T   N E W S * * * *

Here are some short summaries of recent news at Botbit. We don't blab or tweet or write on walls. We barely have time to write what we do, since we are busy helping customers.

September 2012 - Do you have a CMS? Do you know about the whole CMS thing? It stands for Content Management System. Most of us do not know how to program HTML and Javascript, but thanks to the variety of CMS platforms and plugins, we don't have to any more just to manage our sites.

We offer two custom CMS systems, Quill and Quip. Quill is an advanced, modular system with lots of features for running any size website. Quip is a lightweight cousin of Quill, for more simple sites or busy site owners that just want the basics. The entire Botbit website is developed using Quip! So you can see that it can do a lot.

Lear More about Quill Lear More about Quip

August 2012 - WordPress Hosting Sale - For a limited time, our popular WordPress hosting packages are going for $16/month. For more information, click this (LINK).

January 2012 - Welcome to 2012. We hope your business plans are aggressive and your performance shatters your goals. That is our plan. Here are some updates we are rolling out this year

  • New Cluster Servers
  • Increased Network Speed
  • Improved Customer Service
  • Enhanced Mail and Web Admin Interface
  • New Partnerships with Nitebrain, Nuveris, ROSEWORX, and Zortel
  • Referral Bonus Program
  • Amazing New 2012 Botbit T-Shirt Designs :-) (LINK)

    Look for more information on these new initiatives in 2012.

    Botbit Admin

    October 2011 - BT Server Trial Wrapped Up - We want to thank all the beta testers of the BT Server system. If you were not part of the trial, you might not know what it was about. BT Server is a server environment for building and deploying smartphone apps.

    It was an interesting approach, that is useful for some basic apps and even slightly sophisticated apps. We are actively looking for a new system to test again next year.

    Botbit Admin

    September 2011 - New Nashville Cluster Servers - We are configuring new servers in Nashville TN (music city!) as a remote cluster for our Dallas server farm. This should provide another layer of disaster recovery and load balancing.

    Botbit Admin

    May 2011 - Smartphone App Server System - We are installing BT Server for testing iPhone and Android app development tools. If you are interested in trying the tools out, contact our admin staff.

    Botbit Admin
